Great Interest in Homemade Specialties

The most important regional review of the traditional and representative food products, at which more than two thousand various products – national specialties are exhibited, has been opened at Belgrade Fair and will take place until Saturday, November 25. It is the 12th Ethnic Food and Drink Fair, attended, in addition to the local exhibitors also by those from Greece, India, Republic of Srpska and other countries.

In the Ethnic Yard, where this event is traditionally opened, the guests and exhibitors had the opportunity to enjoy cultural / entertaining program. After it, Andreja Mladenović, Deputy Mayor of Belgrade, said it was his pleasure to participate in the opening of such a Fair. On behalf of the City, he thanked Belgrade Fair for persisting in the organization of this event and mentioned the City was present at the Fair since its establishing and had its own stand in the last three years.

– Also the Ministry of Agriculture, which provides significant funds for the agricultural production subvention, recognized the importance of the Ethnic Food and Drink Fair, since our farmers cannot go large European fairs, but can present here their agricultural products, said Mladenović.

Velimir Stanojević, State Secretary, also spoke about the support of the Ministry of Agriculture to the Ethnic Food and Drink Fair, saying it was not a large event by space, but the exhibitors at the Hall 3 presented more than two thousand products, handmade from organic grown raw materials, the products belonging to the national specialties category.

The exhibited food products are characteristic for narrower geographic areas, most groceries are handmade from organic grown raw materials, by special recipes and in limited quantities. The manufacturers of the equipment for preservation and packing of the traditional products will feature at the Ethnic Food and Drink Fair, as well.

The Ethnic Food and Drink Fair is held under the auspices of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry Engineering and Water Management and the City of Belgrade and the manufacturers will feature under support of Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Cooperative Union of Serbia, Governmental institutions, Local Self-Governments, various Associations, Tourism Organizations or independently.

The event objective is visible in the best way from the slogan itself under which the Fair is held – Ethnic Product Brand Name Foundation. The idea is to affirm traditional products as the first class market and export ones, but also to promote many products informally already as part of the local tourism offer.

One of the most attractive event sections is organic food, drinks and natural water presentation and promotion, their environmental treatment, as well as production and preservation equipment.

The event is primarily intended for business visitors – distributers, hotel and trading chain suppliers, restaurant and shop owners, professional gastronomes, international buyers.

Within the Fair, plentiful side event and professional program is annually organized. Within it, manufacturers are featured, as well as the topics of importance for the traditional production advancement and protection. Many ethnic product promotions are organized at the Regional Chambers of Commerce stands and in the Ethnic Yard.

A considerable section of the side event program is the already traditional Handmade Product Exhibition and the last event day is “booked” for the popular Cake Review, organized by the Moja Praktika magazine.