The 14th Ethnic Food and Drinks Fair officially opened!

Traditionally, the 14th Ethnic Food and Drinks Fair was officially opened in the Ethnic Courtyard in Hall 3 of Belgrade Fair with a toast and a warm welcome.

The most significant regional event of producers, who produce representative traditional products, followed by participation of more than 400 exhibitors and a rich professional-accompanying program, will take place until Tuesday, 26 November 2019 under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia and the City of Belgrade.

Mr. Gavrilo Veselinovic, Leader of Ethnic Food and Drinks Fair Council, welcomed the attendees, thus laying special stress on the importance of regional chambers of commerce, small-scale producers and exhibitors at the event, as well as on great support and assistance they receive in promoting their products.

In his opening speech, Mr. Andreja Mladenovic, Assistant to the Mayor of Belgrade, emphasized that this year’s event justifies the epithet of the most significant regional event. He reiterated that the city of Belgrade recognized the importance of promoting local producers and food products, and expressed satisfaction that the Ethnic Food and Drinks Fair is becoming bigger and bigger year after year, defining it as one of Belgrade’s symbols in November.

The fair was opened by Mr. Senad Mahmutovic, Secretary of State, on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbia.

Mr. Mahmutovic expressed great satisfaction that we can reap the benefits of hard work and products produced by farmers across Serbia in the beginning of autumn. He stated that Serbia is a country of great potential, geographical position and opportunities, and promised assistance in promotion of local brands and small-scale producers.

Nice projections for the future – the fair is open!

Exchange of experience and educational workshops will be part of a rich accompanying program. The expected result is that the products will be more beautiful and more accessible in Serbia and beyond, worldwide. Aside from small-scale producers, large ones have also recognized their place in the sun, and decided to show what they do and how they do it.

Belgrade residents and guests from Serbia are invited to visit the event and enjoy the performance of the Children’s Cultural and Art Society from Stepojevac, as well as traditional food and beverage on display.

The fair will be open from 23 November until 26 November. Working hours are every day between 10:00 and 19:00.

Entrance for business visitors is free of charge, whereby filling out of application form is a must.

Entrance ticket for other interested citizens will be charged RSD 300.00, whilst group visits RSD 200.00. Parking fee will be collected in the amount of RSD 150.00 an hour.